SMD Activator Pro [ MacOS ]
✅ iCloud
✅ Update
✅ Reboot
✅ Apple Pay
✅ App Store
✅ Skip Setup
✅ Notifications
✅ FaceTime & iMessage
ℹ️ For start connect device in Hello Mode to tool and check Sim-Lock status, after you can add Serial and waiting 1-5 days for Activation
ℹ️ Activation require WiFi connection on Device
ℹ️ One database and API with all SMD tools
⚠️ Be Carefully. Not recommended
Update via OTA or PC because if get error and clean Restore.
Waktu pengiriman: 1 - 5 Days
Pesanan massal diperbolehkan: Tidak
Jenis pesanan: Nomor seri
Jenis layanan: Server
Kirim untuk memverifikasi diizinkan: Tidak
Pembatalan diperbolehkan: Tidak
Proses pemesanan: manual